The YEAR group is usually reserved for the Working Pages for particular class years at the Walker County High School.
However, an exception is make for the page named ReunionYears and labeled 2023 Reunion. A link to that page is located at the top of the left-side-bar.
In addition to announcing the 2023 Class Reunion for the Classes of 1967, 1968 and 1969, it contains links to the Working Pages for each of those years, and a link to main page announcing the upcoming Class Reunion.
A second exception is granted for the page named
WorkingPages and labeled Working Pages, Year Books, Deceased Lists, etc. for the: .
The link to that page is also located near the top of the left-side-bar.
Eventually, WorkingPages will replace ReunionYears
and become the primary instructional page in the left-side-bar.